Sept 27: How to present research to a wider audience for greater impact (virtual panel)

September 27 at 11:00 AM | Register Here
Find out how to expand the reach of your research beyond your institution from academic experts at Campus+ partner universities across the UK and North America.
The panel discussion will include
- How to use new media to amplify your work
- How to build a stand-out online profile
- Effective ways to discuss the impact of your research
- Innovative methods of communication
Denise Baden: Professor of Sustainable Business, University of Southampton. Denise is known for exploring innovative ways to maximize engagement and impact from research. Denise won the ESRC Outstanding Impact in Business and Enterprise Prize for her work embedding sustainability across the hair sector. She set up the Green Stories project in 2018 which has resulted in 20 free competitions, several publications, and a project with Bafta that addresses the role of fictional characters in consumer behaviors. She is listed on the Forbes list of “Climate Leaders Changing the Film and TV Industry.”
Patricia Raun: Director, Center for Communicating Science, Virginia Tech. Patricia specializes in enhancing communication skills in scientists, engineers, and health professionals. Her work focuses on promoting positive transformation by fostering healthy, varied voices in individuals and communities. She holds degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Penn State, with credentials including work with the American Repertory Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company, and the Alda Center for Communicating Science.
Gregory Goldsmith: Associate Professor of Biology, Associate Dean for Research and Development, Chapman University. Gregory is a global change ecologist with a longstanding interest in building public engagement in science. He has built an award-winning science education website and has given public lectures on behalf of National Geographic Society. In his current role as Associate Dean for Research and Development, he helps faculty increase the impact of their research by engaging with new and diverse audiences.