Research Stories

Welcome to the Center for Communicating Science research stories page! Here we provide opportunities for researchers to share their stories and for readers to learn about the exciting world of research. Clicking the tomato-watering image takes you to a StoryMaps project on food, water, and communities. Clicking any of the titles below will allow you to enjoy reading profiles of Virginia Tech researchers and their work. Be sure to check back; we regularly post new stories!
As environments change, so do people's food and water resources. These are stories of the communities affected by these changes. This StoryMaps project was initiated by graduate students Susan Chen and Maddy Grupper and is currently under the management of graduate students Alaina Weinheimer ( and Marti Wagnon ( Please contact them if you have a story to add!
Research Stories
The research stories below were written by Virginia Tech undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers. You'll find tales of bats and bugs, water and writing, traffic and transmission of disease, rockets and reproduction, and lots more. Enjoy!
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