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This photo shows people standing on both sides of a long table and looking at an array of items on the table, including skulls, Gatorade bottles, and a bright pink bucket.
Caitlin Colleary, Anza Mitchell, and Max Ragozzino (left to right) share their research with Science on Tap audience members at Rising Silo Brewery.

Support Us

Without the financial support, volunteer assistance, and collaboration of many people and organizations, our work would not be possible. There are many ways that you can support the work of Virginia Tech’s Center for Communicating Science!

If you would like to donate to the center, please contact the Virginia Tech Foundation and direct your gift to the Center for Communicating Science, account 877063. Please let us know that you’ve made a contribution! We’ll want to thank you.

If you would like to include the work of the center in a grant proposal, please contact center director Patty Raun ( More details about grant collaborations can be found on our Collaborate with Us page.

If you would like to volunteer with the center, please let us know about that, too! We are always looking for

  • artists and scientists who are excited about SciArts collaborations,
  • graduate students who want to take a leadership role in planning a ComSciCon event or help with other programs,
  • women researchers who are willing to engage with kindergarten children in area schools,
  • undergraduate students who’d like to intern with us,
  • speakers for Science on Tap, and
  • people with new and exciting ideas about communicating science and science communication.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Center for Communicating Science - teal and orange logo

Center for Communicating Science - teal and orange logo


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Center for Communicating Science
230 Grove Lane
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(Campus mail code: 0555)

Director Patty Raun

Associate Director Carrie Kroehler