July 25: Science on Tap: What makes a home? Environmental modeling techniques help us understand where threatened species live

July 25: Join us for Science on Tap: What makes a home? Environmental modeling techniques help us understand where threatened species live, on July 25th at 5:30 p.m. at Rising Silo Brewery in Blacksburg. Find out how satellites and math can be used to answer questions about where threatened species live and how we can protect their homes. Ph.D. student Connor Hughes from Virginia Tech's Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation will help us learn about some of these species that might be our neighbors and what they need to thrive. Then we'll get to try finding homes for some picky house hunters!
This event is free and open to the public and is hosted by the Center for Communicating Science and the VT Sigma Xi chapter.
If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact scienceontapnrv@gmail.com at least ten days before the event.